Know the Faith. Love the Savior. Serve the Kingdom
Learners will engage with the “grammar” of the discipline, knowing its basic language and material.
Biblical Studies
Old Testament Introduction
New Testament Introduction
Introduction to Reformed Theology
Introduction to Apologetics
Applied Theology
Theology of Ministry
Following the foundation courses, learners will logically connect the dots within and between each discipline.
Biblical Studies
God’s Covenant Mission
Systematic and Historical Theology
Christian Epistemology
Applied Theology
Ministry Leadership
Theology and Biblical truth is not meant to be kept quiet. The Bible is useful and meant to be shared with rhetorical eloquence.
Biblical Studies
Reformed Creeds and Confessions
Christian Persuasion
Applied Theology
Teaching or Discipleship or Counseling or Music & Worship
Electives at WSI are normally Reading Courses in either a Great Theological Book from a particular time period or a Biblical Book from the Old or New Testaments. Reading courses are offered each summer and may be repeated since new books will be read.
Certificate Programs
Church Officer Certificate
Reading Course
Intro. to Christian Apologetics
Intro. to Reformed Theology
Theology of Ministry
Ministry Leadership
Systematic Theology
Reformed Confessions
Applied Theology Seminar (Teaching or Discipleship or Counseling or Music & Worship)
Church Officer If you are ordained or soon will be ordained as a Ruling Elder or Deacon in your local church and wish to be equipped for faithful service to support your pastor and the congregation you shepherd.
Ministry Leadership Certificate
New Testament Introduction
Intro. to Christian Apologetics
Old Testament Introduction
Theology of Ministry
Ministry Leadership
Intro. to Reformed Theology
Reading Course
Applied Theology Seminar (Teaching or Discipleship or Counseling or Music & Worship
Ministry Leader If you lead a church or para-church ministry and wish to be equipped with deeper Bible knowledge applied to your context in order to teach, disciple, and lead your ministry with greater Biblical and theological awareness.
Evangelist Certificate
New Testament Introduction
Intro. to Christian Apologetics
Intro. to Reformed Theology
Theology of Ministry
Christian Epistemology
Old Testament Introduction
God’s Covenant Mission
Christian Persuasion
Evangelist We are all called to proclaim and defend the hope that is within us. Some, however, are uniquely placed in vocations and locations that serve the mission of God to reach the lost. Gain the tools to persuasively minister the gospel.
Congregational Certificate
New Testament Introduction
Intro. to Christian Apologetics
Old Testament Introduction
God’s Covenant Mission
Intro. to Reformed Theology
Reading Course (preferably a Biblical Book)
Congregational Grow in your Biblical and theological knowledge so that you gain more from the preaching and teaching in your local church, and can participate more in small groups and even teach in Sunday School.