The Need for Theological Education: R.C. Sproul as Influencer
R.C. Sproul (1939-2017) stood tall in the world of Reformed Theology for several decades. His writing and international speaking are what most remember. Certainly his influence goes well beyond what can still be seen or picked up. But there is one influential ministry that R.C. had that most don't capture.
Sproul had a significant impact on Theological Education. R.C. taught at several Christian colleges and seminaries in his early ministry years, including his alma mater, Westminster College in Western Pennsylvania. Other teaching posts included some time spent teaching at Gordon College outside Boston and Conwell School of Theology in Philadelphia, when it was affiliated with Temple University (now affiliated with Gordon College as Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary). The educational ministry did not end with these formal institutions of higher learning.
As Stephen Nichols points out in his recent biography on Sproul, R.C. began Ligonier Ministries as an educational ministry for people interested in a bit more theology than they were typically getting in churches, especially declining liberal churches. His idea for an educational outpost in Ligonier, PA came about because of several factors. One such factor was the evangelistic ministry of Francis Schaeffer at L'Abri in Switzerland. According to Nichols, Sproul had opportunity to visit L'Abri and was deeply influenced by the philosophy and methodology of its ministry. Yet, Sproul had a slightly different vision for Ligonier. Whereas L'Abri interacted with people questioning or interested in the faith, Ligonier was a place where people could grow in their knowledge of the faith.
R.C. developed Ligonier over several decades, impacting the church through recorded lecture cassettes, books, Tabletalk magazine, video lectures, and other teaching opportunities, especially at conferences. Toward the end of R.C.'s life, he established Reformation Bible College at Ligonier's home base outside of Orlando, FL. Certainly Ligonier's Spirit-led growth came about through education.
Theological Education is always needed, even in a "market" that's noisy with many options. Why? Because God calls us to learn more about him and mature in our knowledge of the Savior (Eph. 4:12-13; cf. Deut. 6:4-9; Ps. 1:1-3; Col. 1:28). R.C. Sproul understood this and it seems that he did everything he could to teach and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, even during periods where he was quit ill.
Warfield Summer Institute, with appreciation and thanks for R.C. Sproul, sets out this summer to train and equip the whole church to know the faith, love the Savior, and serve the kingdom. We're not training seminarians, others can do that. We're not running really good Sunday School classes, your church might do that. We're not producing teaching like Ligonier, they do a fine job with that themselves. We're serving a gap we see between Sunday School and the Seminary. With formal and affordable courses we desire to serve the average congregant. We want to help people grasp with depth the beauty of the Christian faith in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Do you have a need for more theological education?